We Share The

The Love Of Millions

Upcoming Events

07 Nov 2020

Folk Fusion Sagana

Folk Fusion Sagana edition. An out of town party hosted by Ayrosh and his band of superstars. Camp and enjoy Mugithi Fusion under the Murang'a star filled sky, with Sagana river falls as a back


We Bring
The Fusion

The Folk Fusion movement focuses on mobilizing artists to collaborate, tackle topical Issues and embrace diversity In language. In Kenya, there is a conflation of what mainstream music is and that what is played in Nairobi defines the entire country.

Folk Fusion also provides an opportunity for artists of different disciplines to come together in one spot, showcase, promote and sell their art.

Visual artists and interior designers are a favorite for Folk Fusion.

Connect With Fusion

We Research

We look at the past and the stories that shaped those generations. We dig deep into the music, social political elements and the stories at different times.

We Document

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We Innovate

Lorem ipsum, or lipsum as it is sometimes known, is dummy text used in laying out print, graphic or web designs. The passage is attributed to an unknown typesetter in the 15th century who is thought to have scrambled parts of Cicero's

We Showcase

The purpose of lorem ipsum is to create a natural looking block of text (sentence, paragraph, page, etc.) that doesn't distract from the layout. A practice not without controversy,

Our Store

The Folk Fusion movement focuses on mobilizing artists to collaborate, tackle tropical issues and embrace diversity in language

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Folk Fusion Hoodies

Ksh. 1500

Mrasta Album EP

Ksh. 2500

Afro Jazz Album

Ksh. 1500


Ksh. 1000

Our Artists

For the Love Of Millions

FFK Founder

"The most enduringly successful singer/songwriter of his generation"

In Kenya, there is a conflation of what mainstream music is and that what is played in Nairobi defines the entire country. Folk Fusion also provides an opportunity for artists of different disciplines to come together in one spot, showcase, promote and sell their art. Visual artists and interior designers are a favorite for Folk Fusion.
